Alan Kulwicki


Is Alan Kulwicki Dead or Still Alive? Alan Kulwicki Birthday and Date of Death

Alan Kulwicki

Alan Kulwicki Death

Alan passed away on April 1, 1993 at the age of 38 in Blountville, Tennessee, USA. Alan's cause of death was airplane crash.

Alan Kulwicki death quick facts:
  • When did Alan Kulwicki die?

    April 1, 1993
  • How did Alan Kulwicki die? What was the cause of death?

    Airplane crash
  • How old was Alan Kulwicki when died?

  • Where did Alan Kulwicki die? What was the location of death?

    Blountville, Tennessee, USA

Alan Kulwicki Birthday and Date of Death

Alan Kulwicki was born on December 14, 1954 and died on April 1, 1993. Alan was 38 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 14, 1954
Date of Death: April 1, 1993
Age at Death: 38

Alan Kulwicki - Biography

Alan Dennis Kulwicki (December 14, 1954 – April 1, 1993), nicknamed "Special K" and the "Polish Prince", was an American NASCAR Winston Cup Series (now Sprint Cup Series) racecar driver. He started racing at local short tracks in Wisconsin before moving up to regional stock car touring series. Kulwicki arrived at NASCAR, the highest and most expensive level of stock car racing in the United States, with no sponsor, a limited budget, and only a racecar and a borrowed pickup truck. Despite starting with meager equipment and finances, he earned the 1986 NASCAR Rookie of the Year award over drivers racing for well-funded teams.