Albert Gore Sr.


Is Albert Gore Sr. Dead or Still Alive? Albert Gore Sr. Birthday and Date of Death

Albert Gore Sr.

Albert Gore Sr. Death

Albert passed away on December 5, 1998 at the age of 90 in Carthage, Tennessee.

Albert Gore Sr. death quick facts:
  • When did Albert Gore Sr. die?

    December 5, 1998
  • How old was Albert Gore Sr. when died?

  • Where did Albert Gore Sr. die? What was the location of death?

    Carthage, Tennessee

Albert Gore Sr. Birthday and Date of Death

Albert Gore Sr. was born on December 26, 1907 and died on December 5, 1998. Albert was 90 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 26, 1907
Date of Death: December 5, 1998
Age at Death: 90

Albert Gore Sr. - Biography

Albert Arnold "Al" Gore, Sr. (December 26, 1907 – December 5, 1998) was an American politician, serving as a U.S. Representative and a U.S. Senator for the Democratic Party from Tennessee.