Anastasia Pierce


Is Anastasia Pierce Dead or Still Alive? Anastasia Pierce Birthday and Age

Anastasia Pierce

How Old Is Anastasia Pierce? Anastasia Pierce Birthday

Anastasia Pierce was born on February 22, 1974 and is 50 years old now.

Birthday: February 22, 1974
How Old - Age: 50

Anastasia Pierce Death Fact Check

Anastasia is alive and kicking and is currently 50 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Anastasia Pierce - Biography

Director AKA No known aliasesBirthday February 22, 1974Astrology Pisces Birthplace La Chaux-de Fonds, Switzerland Years Active as Performer 2002-2014 (Started around 28 years old)Years Active as Director 2005-2014Ethnicity CaucasianNationality/Heritage SwissHair Color BrownMeasurements 36C-26-36Height 5 feet, 10 inches (178 cm)Weight 129 lbs (59 kg)Tattoos Right footNon-Ear Piercings NavelComments There are no comments for this performer.Website