Angela Raiola


Is Angela Raiola Dead or Still Alive? Angela Raiola Birthday and Date of Death

Angela Raiola

Angela Raiola Death

Angela passed away on February 18, 2016 at the age of 55 in Staten Island, New York. Angela's cause of death was lung and brain cancer.

Angela Raiola death quick facts:
  • When did Angela Raiola die?

    February 18, 2016
  • How did Angela Raiola die? What was the cause of death?

    Lung and brain cancer
  • How old was Angela Raiola when died?

  • Where did Angela Raiola die? What was the location of death?

    Staten Island, New York

Angela Raiola Birthday and Date of Death

Angela Raiola was born on June 30, 1960 and died on February 18, 2016. Angela was 55 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 30, 1960
Date of Death: February 18, 2016
Age at Death: 55

Angela Raiola - Biography

Angela Raiola (30 June 1960 – 18 February 2016), also known as Big Ang, was an American television personality and actress, known for Mob Wives. In 2012 she starred in two reality shows show Big Ang and Miami Monkey. Raiola was the niece of deceased Salvatore "Sally Dogs" Lombardo, a captain in the Genovese crime family. Known as a “mob moll”, Raiola dated gangsters and lived an opulent lifestyle. She started working on Mob Wives during the show's second season.