Angela Tracy


Is Angela Tracy Dead or Still Alive? Angela Tracy Birthday and Date of Death

Angela Tracy

Angela Tracy Death

Angela passed away on March 31, 2006 at the age of 30 in Scottsdale, Arizona, United States. Angela's cause of death was suicide by asphyxiation.

Angela Tracy death quick facts:
  • When did Angela Tracy die?

    March 31, 2006
  • How did Angela Tracy die? What was the cause of death?

    Suicide by asphyxiation
  • How old was Angela Tracy when died?

  • Where did Angela Tracy die? What was the location of death?

    Scottsdale, Arizona, United States

Angela Tracy Birthday and Date of Death

Angela Tracy was born on July 30, 1975 and died on March 31, 2006. Angela was 30 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 30, 1975
Date of Death: March 31, 2006
Age at Death: 30

Angela Tracy - Biography

Angela Tracy was an American model (adult/glamour) who was born on July 30, 1975 as Angela S. Dhingra. She is an actress, known for 3 Strikes (2000).
3 Strikes is a 2000 American screwball comedy film written and directed by DJ Pooh. The film stars Brian Hooks as Rob Douglas, a man just released from a one-year sentence in jail, who already has two strikes to his name. Since he is living under California's three strikes law, Rob decides to go straight and leave the street life alone.

Angela was an American model and adult movie star known for her videos in which she directly addressed the viewer. Devi was of Indian descent, and stood at 5'1". She originally became known through her modeling work.