Anna Christine Speckhart


Is Anna Christine Speckhart Dead or Still Alive? Anna Christine Speckhart Birthday and Age

Anna Christine Speckhart

How Old Is Anna Christine Speckhart? Anna Christine Speckhart Birthday

Anna Christine Speckhart was born on November 11, 1991 and is 33 years old now.

Birthday: November 11, 1991
How Old - Age: 33

Anna Christine Speckhart Death Fact Check

Anna is alive and kicking and is currently 33 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Anna Christine Speckhart - Biography

Anna Christine Speckhart is an American model who was born on November 11, 1991, in Pittsfield, Illinois, USA. She rose huge fame for work with Marie Claire UK, Elle Magazine, Nylon, Esquire. Her Instagram account has more than 44 k followers. She started modeling at the age of 17.Anna Christine Speckhart Profile DetailsOccupation /Job ModelAge 24 years oldBirthday / Date of Birth November 11, 1991Birthplace Illinois, USAHeight 5’9"Weight 52 kg approxMarital Status UnmarriedParents UnknownMeasurements 33-24-33 inEthnicity White/CaucasianNationality American