Anna Morgan


Is Anna Morgan Dead or Still Alive? Anna Morgan Birthday and Date of Death

Anna Morgan

Anna Morgan Death

Anna Morgan passed away on December 4, 1979 at the age of 30.

Anna Morgan death quick facts:
  • When did Anna Morgan die?

    December 4, 1979
  • How old was Anna Morgan when died?


Anna Morgan Birthday and Date of Death

Anna Morgan was born on February 15, 1949 and died on December 4, 1979. Anna Morgan was 30 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 15, 1949
Date of Death: December 4, 1979
Age at Death: 30

Anna Morgan - Biography

Anna Morgan is the adoptive mother of Samara Morgan, and wife of Richard Morgan.,Richard, Samara, and her lived in Moesko Island.
Anna first was admitted into Eola County Psychiatric Hospital on April 8, 1963. It was there she tried to conceive her first child, with the help of Dr. Klemen. She had a miscarriage, followed by several others from 1963 to 1969, when her and her husband, Richard, left Moesko Island. They return in February 1970, with their daughter Samara. Although her birth certificate states Anna is her biological mother, the Morgans claim that she is adopted and return home to Moesko Island.

In February of 1978, Anna was once again treated for hallucinations and suicidal thoughts. Later that month, Samara is released from the hospital on her father's orders and locked in the barn so she cannot torment Anna anymore.
On October 15th, Anna was readmitted into Eola County Psychiatric Hospital. She was released on October 20th, and the family headed to Shelter Mountain Inn for a vacation. It is there that Anna suffocated Samara and threw her down into the well, unable to stand her any longer. Horrified by what she had done, Anna committed suicide by jumping off a cliff.