Anne Bergstedt


Is Anne Bergstedt Dead or Still Alive? Anne Bergstedt Birthday and Age

Anne Bergstedt

How Old Is Anne Bergstedt? Anne Bergstedt Birthday

Anne Bergstedt was born on November 2, 1986 and is 38 years old now.

Birthday: November 2, 1986
How Old - Age: 38

Anne Bergstedt Death Fact Check

Anya is alive and kicking and is currently 38 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Anne Bergstedt - Biography

After a bohemian early life that found her straddling New York, Paris, Milan, Berlin and Los Angeles, Anne (Anya) Jordanova decided at a young age to make acting the focus of her life and career.Born into a family of performers - her grandmother Jean Carlin starred in many Hollywood films of the Golden era - in 2005, Jordanova turned all her focus to acting and migrated to Los Angeles and began modeling full time. After gaining recognition as a model, and being nicknamed "The French Transplant Beauty" by ZOO magazine, France, Anya is building a successful career in art house films, and foreign cinema and in 2010 can be seen in the German film Zweiohrküken, and the upcoming American thriller Sound of Mind.Credit: IMDB.COMIs of Russian(Bulgarian) and Swedish descent.