Anne Neville


Is Anne Neville Dead or Still Alive? Anne Neville Birthday and Date of Death

Anne Neville

Anne Neville Death

Anne passed away on March 16, 1485 at the age of 28 in Westminster, London, UK. Anne's cause of death was tuberculosis.

Anne Neville death quick facts:
  • When did Anne Neville die?

    March 16, 1485
  • How did Anne Neville die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Anne Neville when died?

  • Where did Anne Neville die? What was the location of death?

    Westminster, London, UK

Anne Neville Birthday and Date of Death

Anne Neville was born on June 11, 1456 and died on March 16, 1485. Anne was 28 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 11, 1456
Date of Death: March 16, 1485
Age at Death: 28

Is Anne Neville's father, Richard Neville, dead or alive?

Anne Neville's father, Richard Neville, died on September 4, 2016 as he was 74 years old.

Is Anne Neville's mother, Anne de Beauchamp, dead or alive?

Anne de Beauchamp's information is not available now.

Anne Neville's sister :

  • Isabel Neville

Anne Neville - Biography

Anne Neville was Princess of Wales as the wife of Edward of Westminster and Queen of England as the consort of King Richard III. She held the latter title for less than two years, from 26 June 1483 until her death in March 1485. She had just one son, Edward, whom she outlived.