Anne of Austria Death
Anne passed away on January 20, 1666 at the age of 64.
Anne of Austria death quick facts:
When did Anne of Austria die?
January 20, 1666How old was Anne of Austria when died?
Anne of Austria Birthday and Date of Death
Anne of Austria was born on September 22, 1601 and died on January 20, 1666. Anne was 64 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: September 22, 1601
Date of Death: January 20, 1666
Age at Death: 64
Is Anne of Austria's father, Philip III of Spain, dead or alive?
Philip III of Spain's information is not available now.
Is Anne of Austria's mother, Margaret of Austria, dead or alive?
Margaret of Austria's information is not available now.
Anne of Austria - Biography
Anne of Austria was Queen consort of France and Navarre and regent for her son, Louis XIV of France. During her regency Cardinal Mazarin served as France's chief minister.