Anne Wheeler


Is Anne Wheeler Dead or Still Alive? Anne Wheeler Birthday and Age

Anne Wheeler

How Old Is Anne Wheeler? Anne Wheeler Birthday

Anne Wheeler was born on September 23, 1946 and is 78 years old now.

Birthday: September 23, 1946
How Old - Age: 78

Anne Wheeler Death Fact Check

Anne is alive and kicking and is currently 78 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Anne Wheeler - Biography

Anne Wheeler, OC (born September 23, 1946 in Edmonton, Alberta) is a Canadian film and television writer, producer, and director. Graduating in Mathematics from the University of Alberta she was a computer programmer before traveling abroad. Her years of travels inspired her to become a storyteller and when she returned she joined a group of old friends to form a film collective. From 1975 to 1985 she worked for the NFB where she made her first feature film, A War Story (1981), which was about her father, Ben Wheeler and his time as a doctor in a P.O.W. camp during WW2. The war is a common theme in her work and she revisited it later in her films Bye Bye Blues (1989) and The War Between Us (1995). Her first non-NFB film was Loyalties in 1986.