Bobby Charlton


Is Bobby Charlton Dead or Still Alive? Bobby Charlton Birthday and Date of Death

Bobby Charlton

Bobby Charlton Death

Bobby passed away on October 21, 2023 at the age of 86 in England. Bobby's cause of death was complications from dementia.

Bobby Charlton death quick facts:
  • When did Bobby Charlton die?

    October 21, 2023
  • How did Bobby Charlton die? What was the cause of death?

    Complications from dementia
  • How old was Bobby Charlton when died?

  • Where did Bobby Charlton die? What was the location of death?


Bobby Charlton Birthday and Date of Death

Bobby Charlton was born on October 11, 1937 and died on October 21, 2023. Bobby was 86 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 11, 1937
Date of Death: October 21, 2023
Age at Death: 86

Bobby Charlton - Biography

Sir Robert "Bobby" Charlton CBE (born 11 October 1937) is an English former football player, regarded as one of the greatest midfielders of all time, and an essential member of the England team who won the World Cup in 1966, the year he also won the Ballon d'Or. He played almost all of his club football at Manchester United, where he became renowned for his attacking instincts and passing abilities from midfield and his ferocious long-range shot. He was also well known for his fitness and stamina. He was cautioned only twice in his career; once against Argentina in the 1966 World Cup, and once in a league match against Chelsea. His elder brother Jack, who was also in the World Cup-winning team, is a former defender for Leeds United and international manager.