Borrell II Count of Barcelona Death
Borrell passed away in 993.
Borrell II Count of Barcelona death quick facts:
When did Borrell II Count of Barcelona die?
993How old was Borrell II Count of Barcelona when died?
Borrell II Count of Barcelona Birthday and Date of Death
Borrell II Count of Barcelona died in 993.
Birthday: -
Date of Death: 993
Age at Death: -
Is Borrell II Count of Barcelona's father, Sunyer Count of Barcelona, dead or alive?
Borrell II Count of Barcelona's father, Sunyer Count of Barcelona, died on 950 as he was 80 years old.
Borrell II Count of Barcelona's brother :
- Miro Count of Barcelona
Borrell II Count of Barcelona - Biography
Borrell II (died 993) was Count of Barcelona, Girona, and Ausona from 945 and Count of Urgell from 948.