Brook Benton


Is Brook Benton Dead or Still Alive? Brook Benton Birthday and Date of Death

Brook Benton

Brook Benton Death

Brook passed away on April 9, 1988 at the age of 56 in Queens, New York, USA. Brook's cause of death was pneumonia.

Brook Benton death quick facts:
  • When did Brook Benton die?

    April 9, 1988
  • How did Brook Benton die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Brook Benton when died?

  • Where did Brook Benton die? What was the location of death?

    Queens, New York, USA

Brook Benton Birthday and Date of Death

Brook Benton was born on September 19, 1931 and died on April 9, 1988. Brook was 56 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: September 19, 1931
Date of Death: April 9, 1988
Age at Death: 56

Brook Benton - Biography

Brook Benton, born Benjamin Franklin Peay, (September 19, 1931 – April 9, 1988) was an American singer and songwriter who was popular with rock and roll, rhythm and blues, and pop music audiences during the late 1950s and early 1960s, when he scored hits such as "It's Just a Matter of Time" and "Endlessly", many of which he co-wrote.
In 1959, he finally made his breakthrough with hits like "It's Just a Matter of Time" and "Endlessly". "It's Just a Matter of Time" peaked at #3 on the United States Billboard Hot 100 chart, sold over one million copies and was awarded a gold disc by the RIAA. "Endlessly" made it to #12. Both of the first two hits were written by Benton with Clyde Otis. They were originally offered to Nat King Cole, but when Otis became an A&R manager and producer at Mercury, he convinced Benton to sign with the label and record them himself, while asking Cole not to record the songs as planned. Benton followed this success with a series of hits, including "So Many Ways" (#6), "Hotel Happiness" (#3), "Think Twice" (#11), "Kiddio" (#7), and "The Boll Weevil Song" (#2). In 1960, he had two top 10 hit duets with Dinah Washington: "Baby (You've Got What It Takes)" (#5) and "A Rockin' Good Way (To Mess Around and Fall in Love)" (#7).

Benton eventually charted a total of 49 singles on the Billboard Hot 100, with other songs charting on Billboard's rhythm and blues, easy listening, and Christmas music charts. The last album made by Benton was Fools Rush In, which was released posthumously in 2005. He also had records released on various other labels, including All-Platinum, Brut, Olde Worlde, Stax and Groove Records.
Weakened from spinal meningitis, Brook died of pneumonia in Queens, New York City, at the age of 56 on April 9, 1988. He was survived by his wife, Mary Benton, and five children, Brook Jr., Vanessa, Roy, Gerald and Benjamin, all of Queens.