Carol Anderson


Is Carol Anderson Dead or Still Alive? Carol Anderson Birthday and Age

Carol Anderson

How Old Is Carol Anderson? Carol Anderson Birthday

Carol Anderson was born on June 17, 1959 and is 65 years old now.

Birthday: June 17, 1959
How Old - Age: 65

Carol Anderson Death Fact Check

Carol is alive and kicking and is currently 65 years old.
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Carol Anderson - Biography

Carol Anderson (born 1959) is an American academic. She is the Charles Howard Candler professor of African American Studies at Emory University. Her research focuses on public policy with regards to race, justice, and equality.Contents [hide] 1 Education2 Career3 Selected publications4 Selected awards and recognition5 See also6 ReferencesEducation[edit | edit source]Anderson earned bachelor and master's degrees at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio in 1981 and 1983, respectively. She earned a PhD in history from The Ohio State University in 1995. She was awarded a fellowship to study at Harvard University in 2005, where she worked on her book, Bourgeois Radicals: The NAACP and the Struggle for Colonial Liberation, 1941-1960.Career[edit | edit source]Anderson worked as an associate professor of history at the University of Missouri–Columbia. She was awarded a fellowship for teaching excellence in 2001. In 2009, Anderson joined the faculty of the African American Studies department at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.In an op-ed for The Washington Post in 2014, Anderson argued that the unrest following the 2014 Ferguson shooting was a manifestation of "white rage", or white backlash against African American advancement. The column was one of the most-read articles of the year, receiving thousands of comments, and Anderson was offered a book contract. The resulting book, White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide, expanded on the history of anti-black racism and retaliation in the United States.White Rage became a New York Times Best Seller, and was listed as a notable book of 2016 by The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, and the Chicago Review of Books. White Rage was also listed by The New York Times as an Editors' Choice, and won the 2016 National Book Critics Circle Award for Criticism.Anderson has discussed the historical context of voter suppression in relation to alleged intimidation of minority voters during the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. She has also claimed that "white rage" was the reason for the election of Donald Trump.Anderson has protested against human rights abuses of farm workers in Florida, in alliance with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW). She joined the CIW in calling for the supermarket chain Publix to join the Fair Food Program in response.Anderson was a member of the Historical Advisory Committee of the U.S. Department of State. She is on the Board of Directors of the National Economic & Social Rights Initiative (NESRI)