Carolina Lewis


Is Carolina Lewis Dead or Still Alive? Carolina Lewis Birthday and Date of Death

Carolina Lewis

Carolina Lewis Death

Carolina passed away on September 16, 2019 at the age of 23.

Carolina Lewis death quick facts:
  • When did Carolina Lewis die?

    September 16, 2019
  • How old was Carolina Lewis when died?


Carolina Lewis Birthday and Date of Death

Carolina Lewis was born on July 28, 1996 and died on September 16, 2019. Carolina was 23 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 28, 1996
Date of Death: September 16, 2019
Age at Death: 23

Carolina Lewis - Biography

Carolina Lewis is a New Zealander tennis player who was born on July 28, 2017.
Carolina graduated in May from Kansas State University, where she too played tennis, Jade said. Her goal was to become a sports journalist, and she hoped to complete her master’s in Europe.

The Lewis family is considered tennis royalty in New Zealand, according to the Herald. Chris played in the 1983 Wimbledon final, where he lost to John McEnroe.
Carolina’s dad, David Lewis, also held his own in the game and was a former Fed Cup captain.
Carolina Lewis died during a trip to Washington DC