Cathy Kelly


Is Cathy Kelly Dead or Still Alive? Cathy Kelly Birthday and Age

Cathy Kelly

How Old Is Cathy Kelly? Cathy Kelly Birthday

Cathy Kelly was born on September 12, 1966 and is 58 years old now.

Birthday: September 12, 1966
How Old - Age: 58

Cathy Kelly Death Fact Check

Cathy is alive and kicking and is currently 58 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Cathy Kelly - Biography

Cathy Kelly (born 12 September 1966) is an Irish former journalist and writer of women's fiction since 1997. She has gained international recognition with her popular fiction novels, which are published globally in many languages. In 2001, her novel Someone Like You won the Romantic Novel of the Year Award by the Romantic Novelists' Association. Kelly is one of the most successful female authors to come out of Ireland since Maeve Binchy, having once outsold both Dan Brown and J. K. Rowling in the UK.