Cha Cha Seigne


Is Cha Cha Seigne Dead or Still Alive? Cha Cha Seigne Birthday and Date of Death

Cha Cha Seigne

Cha Cha Seigne Death

Sasha passed away on October 21, 1977.

Cha Cha Seigne death quick facts:
  • When did Cha Cha Seigne die?

    October 21, 1977
  • How old was Cha Cha Seigne when died?


Cha Cha Seigne Birthday and Date of Death

Cha Cha Seigne died on October 21, 1977.

Birthday: -
Date of Death: October 21, 1977
Age at Death: -

Is Cha Cha Seigne's father, Richard Seigne, dead or alive?

Richard Seigne's information is not available now.

Is Cha Cha Seigne's mother, Marianne Fortune, dead or alive?

Marianne Fortune's information is not available now.

Cha Cha Seigne - Biography

Cha Cha Seigne is an actress, known for The Boys & Girl from County Clare (2003), Angel (2012) and Lotus Eaters (2011).She was once engaged to Jonathan Rhys Meyers but they didn't get married because they were "too young". She married a prominent political figure, Peter Bland, shortly after breaking off her engagement with JRM. She later spoke out about her former engagement to JRM, stating he was selfish and arrogant. Living the dream, she found her prince charming in Peter Bland.Cha Cha and her sister Sarah were born to hippy parents and travelled the world, as children, spending much of their time in Spain, living communally with cousins and friends. Her father, she says, dabbled in art dealing, but didn't exactly have a job. When she was 12, her adored father died, and she was sent to boarding school.At 17 she left school and fell in love with Fiachna O Braonain, of the Hothouse Flowers. There followed several years of living with him, and touring with the band, until the relationship broke up and she spent a year in India. All of this while still in her teens.At 21 she fell madly in love again, this time with movie star Jonathan, and after travelling the world with him she accepted her current job with Lainey, which she describes as a mixture of things, including style, design, sales, promotion and PR.Cha Cha's cousin Chantal, who is half Spanish, went to school in India, to a Krishnamurti school. Before that she lived in Spain and also in England.