Charles Lederer


Is Charles Lederer Dead or Still Alive? Charles Lederer Birthday and Date of Death

Charles Lederer

Charles Lederer Death

Charles passed away on March 5, 1976 at the age of 69 in Los Angeles, CA.

Charles Lederer death quick facts:
  • When did Charles Lederer die?

    March 5, 1976
  • How old was Charles Lederer when died?

  • Where did Charles Lederer die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles, CA

Charles Lederer Birthday and Date of Death

Charles Lederer was born on December 31, 1906 and died on March 5, 1976. Charles was 69 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 31, 1906
Date of Death: March 5, 1976
Age at Death: 69

Is Charles Lederer's father, George W. Lederer, dead or alive?

George W. Lederer's information is not available now.

Is Charles Lederer's mother, Reine Davies, dead or alive?

Reine Davies's information is not available now.

Charles Lederer's sister :

  • Charles Lederer's sister, Pepi Lederer, died on June 11, 1935 as he was 25 years old. His cause of death was suicide by jumping (from a mental asylum window).

Charles Lederer - Biography

The son of a New York theatrical producer and the nephew of film-star Marion Davies, Charles Lederer spent his 20s as a high-profile "boy wonder" journalist. Much of his work appeared in the publications of William Randolph Hearst, Davies' constant companion. Renowned for his quick wit, Lederer was a boon companion to most of New York's literary giants. Chief among these was Ben Hecht, who arranged for Lederer's first movie assignment: writing additional dialogue for the 1931 cinemadaptation of Hecht and Charles MacArthur's stage play The Front Page. No matter how busy, Lederer always managed to find time for his legendary practical jokes, usually in collusion with his Hollywood crony Harpo Marx. He shuttled between California and New York throughout the 1940s and 1950s, producing and/or co-writing such Broadway hits as Kismet and Can Can, and contributing to the screenplays of such noteworthy films as Kiss of Death and The Thing (1951). Lederer also directed three films: the 1942 murder mystery Fingers at the Window, the 1951 domestic seriocomic On the Loose, and the 1959 musical curiosity Never Steal Anything Small. Charles Lederer was married twice, first to v*rginia Nicholson (ex-wife of another "boy wonder", Orson Welles), then to film actress Anne Shirley.