Chloe Lang


Is Chloe Lang Dead or Still Alive? Chloe Lang Birthday and Age

Chloe Lang

How Old Is Chloe Lang? Chloe Lang Birthday

Chloe Lang was born on November 14, 2001 and is 23 years old now.

Birthday: November 14, 2001
How Old - Age: 23

Chloe Lang Death Fact Check

Chloe is alive and kicking and is currently 23 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Chloe Lang - Biography

Chloe Lang Chloe Lang (born November 14, 2001 as Chloe Lourenco Lang) has been dancing since the age of two. She has already made a career as a dancer competing in many competitions and has formed a duo "Double Trouble" with her best friend, Haley.
In order to secure the part of Stephanie, the main character in the popular children's television show [[Lazytown], she had to endure a batch of auditions in New York City. After that step a contract was negotiated and then she had to wait for final acceptance. After successful negotiations and with a three year contract in hand, Chloe left for far away Iceland along with her mother, Tina. She has since then already completed Season Three of LazyTown (her first season as the character, Stephanie) and filming for Season Four which aired in Fall, 2014.

Chloe is part of her local studio, Dance Connection. When she was 11 she was selected to take her talents to Iceland and become part of a TV production set. Chloe had previously attended Walsh Intermediate School, but she would have had to swap that for a home schooling and tutoring process while she was in Iceland.
Apart from her dancing awards, Chloe Lang has also appeared in commercials for Pillsbury Toaster Strudel, Baby Alive, Cablevision and Yale-New Haven Hospital.