Christine Larsen


Is Christine Larsen Dead or Still Alive? Christine Larsen Birthday and Date of Death

Christine Larsen

Christine Larsen Death

Christine passed away on February 13, 1973 at the age of 54 in Los Angeles County, California, USA.

Christine Larsen death quick facts:
  • When did Christine Larsen die?

    February 13, 1973
  • How old was Christine Larsen when died?

  • Where did Christine Larsen die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles County, California, USA

Christine Larsen Birthday and Date of Death

Christine Larsen was born on March 15, 1918 and died on February 13, 1973. Christine was 54 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 15, 1918
Date of Death: February 13, 1973
Age at Death: 54

Is Christine Larsen's father, Galen Goss, dead or alive?

Galen Goss's information is not available now.

Is Christine Larsen's mother, Alma Goss, dead or alive?

Alma Goss's information is not available now.

Christine Larsen's sister :

  • Rosabel Goss

Christine Larsen - Biography

Diminutive beauty Christine Larsen had a minor Hollywood career, spanning a mere seven years, from 1948 to 1955. On the rare occasions she was not cast as the perfunctory love interest in B-westerns, opposite the likes of Johnny Mack Brown, she co-starred in long-forgotten potboilers) and 'Jungle Jim' adventures (Valley of Head Hunters (1953)). The multi-talented redhead initially studied acting at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York and gained her entry to Hollywood in the mid 1940's via a spell with the Western Costume Company, as a designer of men's garments for 20th Century Fox musicals and period dramas. She also dabbled in theatrical set design and was a champion equestrian and rodeo queen, whose greatest ambition in life was to own a Lipizzaner stallion.Ironically, it was to be Christine's private life which made the headlines, rather than her all-too-brief tenure as a second feature lead in Hollywood. A 1992 unauthorised biography of Nancy Reagan by sensationalist author Kitty Kelley alleged an affair between her and future president Ronald Reagan -- though she had spurned his proposal of marriage in 1951 -- which endured at least a year into his marriage to Nancy. In 1952, Christine hit the news again, when she made a claim to police, accusing her 57-year old neighbour of spying on her by means of a spotlight and a periscope after she had refused his advances. The authorities, apparently, did not seriously pursue the matter, insisting that periscopes were not covered by city ordinances.There were a few more TV appearances before Christine's career had run its course and it became quiet about her for the remaining years of her life. She died at the relatively young age of 54 in Los Angeles in February 1973.