Christopher Templeton


Is Christopher Templeton Dead or Still Alive? Christopher Templeton Birthday and Date of Death

Christopher Templeton

Christopher Templeton Death

Christopher passed away on February 15, 2011 at the age of 58 in San Antonio, Texas, USA. Christopher's cause of death was metastatic breast cancer.

Christopher Templeton death quick facts:
  • When did Christopher Templeton die?

    February 15, 2011
  • How did Christopher Templeton die? What was the cause of death?

    Metastatic breast cancer
  • How old was Christopher Templeton when died?

  • Where did Christopher Templeton die? What was the location of death?

    San Antonio, Texas, USA

Christopher Templeton Birthday and Date of Death

Christopher Templeton was born on February 26, 1952 and died on February 15, 2011. Christopher was 58 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 26, 1952
Date of Death: February 15, 2011
Age at Death: 58

Christopher Templeton - Biography

Christopher Anne Templeton (February 26, 1952 - February 15, 2011) was an American film and television actress who was best known for her performances in American soap operas, especially her performances as Carol Robbins Evans on the CBS soap opera The Young and the Restless from 1984 to 1992.
Deciding on an acting career, Templeton traveled to Los Angeles to pursue it. Upon her arrival, she not only faced the same problems as any aspiring actress—a shortage of acting roles and an abundance of competitors for those roles—but also the obstacle of her irreversible disability; she went to her auditions wearing a brace and sometimes carrying a cane. Though her disability would have seemed to spell professional doom in a business where almost "everybody is body beautiful," as she phrased it in an interview she gave in 1984, Templeton persisted. It paid off with her winning several roles in feature films and guest roles on TV dramas.

In 1983, Templeton began appearing regularly on the CBS daytime serial The Young and the Restless, in the role of Carol Robbins, loyal secretary to Jack Abbott(then Terry Lester, and later Peter Bergman). During a day off from her work on the soap, Templeton spoke to reporter Joseph Levy about the way TV deals with the disabled and the difficulties she faced because of her condition.
After leaving The Young and the Restless, Templeton continued to pursue her career as not only an actress in but also a writer and director of a number of independent films for the remaining nine years of her life.