Claire Luce


Is Claire Luce Dead or Still Alive? Claire Luce Birthday and Date of Death

Claire Luce

Claire Luce Death

Claire passed away on August 31, 1981 at the age of 77 in New York, New York. Claire's cause of death was undisclosed causes.

Claire Luce death quick facts:
  • When did Claire Luce die?

    August 31, 1981
  • How did Claire Luce die? What was the cause of death?

    Undisclosed causes
  • How old was Claire Luce when died?

  • Where did Claire Luce die? What was the location of death?

    New York, New York

Claire Luce Birthday and Date of Death

Claire Luce was born on October 14, 1903 and died on August 31, 1981. Claire was 77 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 14, 1903
Date of Death: August 31, 1981
Age at Death: 77

Claire Luce - Biography

Claire Luce (October 15, 1903 – August 31, 1989) was an American stage and screen actress, dancer and singer. Among her few films were Up the River (1930), directed by John Ford and costarring Spencer Tracy and Humphrey Bogart, and Under Secret Orders, the English-language version of G. W. Pabst's French-language feature, Mademoiselle Docteur (1937).