Clementine Churchill, Baroness Spencer Churchill


Is Clementine Churchill, Baroness Spencer Churchill Dead or Still Alive? Clementine Churchill, Baroness Spencer Churchill Birthday and Date of Death

Clementine Churchill, Baroness Spencer Churchill

Clementine Churchill, Baroness Spencer Churchill Death

Clementine passed away on December 12, 1977 at the age of 92.

Clementine Churchill, Baroness Spencer Churchill death quick facts:
  • When did Clementine Churchill, Baroness Spencer Churchill die?

    December 12, 1977
  • How old was Clementine Churchill, Baroness Spencer Churchill when died?


Clementine Churchill, Baroness Spencer Churchill Birthday and Date of Death

Clementine Churchill, Baroness Spencer Churchill was born on April 1, 1885 and died on December 12, 1977. Clementine was 92 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 1, 1885
Date of Death: December 12, 1977
Age at Death: 92

Clementine Churchill, Baroness Spencer Churchill - Biography

Clementine Ogilvy Spencer-Churchill, Baroness Spencer-Churchill, GBE, CStJ (née Hozier; 1 April 1885 – 12 December 1977) was the wife of Sir Winston Churchill and a life peeress in her own right.