Coleman Francis


Is Coleman Francis Dead or Still Alive? Coleman Francis Birthday and Date of Death

Coleman Francis

Coleman Francis Death

Coleman passed away on January 15, 1973 at the age of 53.

Coleman Francis death quick facts:
  • When did Coleman Francis die?

    January 15, 1973
  • How old was Coleman Francis when died?


Coleman Francis Birthday and Date of Death

Coleman Francis was born on January 24, 1919 and died on January 15, 1973. Coleman was 53 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 24, 1919
Date of Death: January 15, 1973
Age at Death: 53

Coleman Francis - Biography

Coleman C. Francis (January 24, 1919 – January 15, 1973) was an American actor, writer, producer, and director. He was best known for his film trilogy consisting of The Beast of Yucca Flats (1961), The Skydivers (1963), Red Zone Cuba (1966), all three of which were filmed in the general Santa Clarita, California area and used preoccupation with light aircraft and parachuting, coffee or cigarettes serving as a prop or a center of conversation, and a vigilante-style gunning down of suspects without a trial to conclude the film as frequent motifs.