Danny Dayton


Is Danny Dayton Dead or Still Alive? Danny Dayton Birthday and Date of Death

Danny Dayton

Danny Dayton Death

Danny passed away on February 6, 1999 at the age of 75 in Los Angeles, California, USA. Danny's cause of death was emphysema.

Danny Dayton death quick facts:
  • When did Danny Dayton die?

    February 6, 1999
  • How did Danny Dayton die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Danny Dayton when died?

  • Where did Danny Dayton die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles, California, USA

Danny Dayton Birthday and Date of Death

Danny Dayton was born on November 20, 1923 and died on February 6, 1999. Danny was 75 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 20, 1923
Date of Death: February 6, 1999
Age at Death: 75

Danny Dayton - Biography

Danny Dayton (born Daniel David Segall, November 20, 1923 – February 6, 1999) was an American actor and television director. Beginning in the 1950s, he played many roles in film and on TV. He had a recurring role as Hank Pivnik on All in the Family and had guest roles in M*A*S*H, The Incredible Hulk, Charlie's Angels and The Love Boat.