Dave Ward


Is Dave Ward Dead or Still Alive? Dave Ward Birthday and Age

Dave Ward

How Old Is Dave Ward? Dave Ward Birthday

Dave Ward was born on May 6, 1939 and is 85 years old now.

Birthday: May 6, 1939
How Old - Age: 85

Dave Ward Death Fact Check

Dave is alive and kicking and is currently 85 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Dave Ward - Biography

Davíd Henry Ward (born May 6, 1939 in Dallas, Texas) president of a local charity and an American journalist. He is currently and has been an anchor of the weekday 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm newscasts on KTRK-TV's Eyewitness News in Houston, Texas for over 40 years. He joined KTRK-TV in 1966 as reporter and photographer and was promoted to his current position as weekday evening anchor in 1968, and is currently the longest running news anchor in American television, surpassing the late Hal Fishman in 2015.
He was hired as an on the street reporter and photographer in November 1966 and in 1967 was assigned to anchor KTRK's 7am newscast and a year later, he was promoted to co-anchor of the weekday 6PM and 10PM weekday newscasts. In December 2014, Ward announced he was leaving the weeknight 10 pm broadcast, but would still continue to co-anchor the weekday 6 pm newscast with Gina Gaston. In June 2016, Ward was recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records for having the longest tenure of any news anchor in the world at the same station in the same market.

On August 4, 2016, Ward announced on the 6 pm news that he would be leaving KTRK at the end of the year. However, because of open heart surgery he underwent in December, the managers at the station decided to let Ward stay at KTRK until 2017, where he anchored his final newscast on May 2.
In addition to his television and radio career, he has played an active role in establishing Houston Crime Stoppers, currently serving as President of the local Easter Seals Society, and chairing the Public Affairs Advisory Board of the Houston Business Council.