Daveed Gartenstein Ross


Is Daveed Gartenstein Ross Dead or Still Alive? Daveed Gartenstein Ross Birthday and Age

Daveed Gartenstein Ross

How Old Is Daveed Gartenstein Ross? Daveed Gartenstein Ross Birthday

Daveed Gartenstein Ross was born in 1976 and is 48 years old now.

Birthday: 1976
How Old - Age: 48

Daveed Gartenstein Ross Death Fact Check

Daveed is alive and kicking and is currently 48 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Daveed Gartenstein Ross - Biography

Daveed Gartenstein-Ross is an American counter-terrorism scholar and analyst. In 2014 he became the CEO of Valens Global, a private company that consults on counter-terrorism, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, ISIL, other insurgent groups and violent nonstate actors. In addition to his role at Valens Global, Mr. Gartenstein-Ross is the Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a Washington-based think tank. He is also an expert at Wikistrat. He frequently consults on counter-terrorism for various government agencies as well as the private sector. In 2011, Gartenstein-Ross wrote Bin Laden's Legacy: Why We're Still Losing the War on Terror published by John Wiley & Sons.