David Arkin Death
David passed away on January 14, 1991 at the age of 49 in Los Angeles, CA, USA. David's cause of death was suicide.
David Arkin death quick facts:
When did David Arkin die?
January 14, 1991How did David Arkin die? What was the cause of death?
SuicideHow old was David Arkin when died?
49Where did David Arkin die? What was the location of death?
Los Angeles, CA, USA
David Arkin Birthday and Date of Death
David Arkin was born on November 24, 1941 and died on January 14, 1991. David was 49 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: November 24, 1941
Date of Death: January 14, 1991
Age at Death: 49
David Arkin - Biography
David Arkin (December 24, 1941 – January 14, 1991) was an American actor, known for his numerous supporting appearances in the films of Robert Altman. These roles were part of Altman's frequent ensemble and included Staff Sergeant Vollmer in MASH (where he also wrote and voiced the PA announcements), Harry in The Long Goodbye (1973), Norman in Nashville (1975), and The Mailman/The Police Officer in Popeye (1980).