David Horowitz


Is David Horowitz Dead or Still Alive? David Horowitz Birthday and Date of Death

David Horowitz

David Horowitz Death

David passed away on February 18, 2019 at the age of 81 in Los Angeles, California, USA.

David Horowitz death quick facts:
  • When did David Horowitz die?

    February 18, 2019
  • How old was David Horowitz when died?

  • Where did David Horowitz die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles, California, USA

David Horowitz Birthday and Date of Death

David Horowitz was born on June 30, 1937 and died on February 18, 2019. David was 81 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 30, 1937
Date of Death: February 18, 2019
Age at Death: 81

David Horowitz - Biography

David Horowitz (born June 30, 1937) is an American consumer advocate and former reporter for KNBC-TV in Los Angeles, whose Emmy-winning TV program Fight Back! would warn viewers about defective products, test advertised claims to see if they were true, and confront corporations about customer complaints. He has been on the boards of directors of the National Broadcast Editorial Conference, City of Hope, and the American Cancer Society. He has been on the FCC advisory board and advisory board for the Los Angeles District Attorney.
On August 19, 1987, during KNBC's 4 p.m. newscast, a gun-wielding mental patient identifying himself as "Gary" got into the NBC Studios in Burbank, California, as a guest of an employee on the set and took Horowitz hostage live on the air. With the gun pressed on his side, Horowitz calmly read the gunman's statements on camera; unbeknownst to the gunman, the news feed had been taken off the air.

The unidentified man revealed at the end of his statement that the gun was an empty BB gun, and set the gun down on the newsdesk, at which point anchorman John Beard quickly confiscated it. It led Horowitz to start a successful campaign to help ban "look-alike" toy guns in several states, including California and New York.
Horowitz's wife, Suzanne, announced on February 18, 2019, that he had died.