Diane Drufenbrock


Is Diane Drufenbrock Dead or Still Alive? Diane Drufenbrock Birthday and Age

Diane Drufenbrock

How Old Is Diane Drufenbrock? Diane Drufenbrock Birthday

Diane Drufenbrock was born in 1929 and is 95 years old now.

Birthday: 1929
How Old - Age: 95

Diane Drufenbrock Death Fact Check

Diane is alive and kicking and is currently 95 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Diane Drufenbrock - Biography

Sister Diane Joyce Drufenbrock, S.S.S.F., (born 7 October 1929 - 4 November 2013), also known as Sister Madeleine Sophie, was an American Religious Sister who was a member of the School Sisters of St. Francis. She was a Christian socialist who was the Vice-Presidential candidate for the Socialist Party USA in the United States presidential election, 1980.