Don Drysdale


Is Don Drysdale Dead or Still Alive? Don Drysdale Birthday and Date of Death

Don Drysdale

Don Drysdale Death

Donald passed away on July 3, 1993 at the age of 56 in Montreal, Quebec, CAN. Donald's cause of death was heart failure.

Don Drysdale death quick facts:
  • When did Don Drysdale die?

    July 3, 1993
  • How did Don Drysdale die? What was the cause of death?

    Heart failure
  • How old was Don Drysdale when died?

  • Where did Don Drysdale die? What was the location of death?

    Montreal, Quebec, CAN

Don Drysdale Birthday and Date of Death

Don Drysdale was born on July 23, 1936 and died on July 3, 1993. Donald was 56 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 23, 1936
Date of Death: July 3, 1993
Age at Death: 56

Don Drysdale - Biography

Donald Scott "Don" Drysdale (July 23, 1936 – July 3, 1993) was a Major League Baseball player and Hall of Fame right-handed pitcher with the Los Angeles Dodgers. Drysdale was one of the most dominant pitchers of the late 1950s and early to mid 1960s. He became a radio and television broadcaster after his playing career ended.