Dorothy Walton


Is Dorothy Walton Dead or Still Alive? Dorothy Walton Birthday and Date of Death

Dorothy Walton

Dorothy Walton Death

Dorothy passed away on October 17, 1981 at the age of 72 in Toronto, Canada.

Dorothy Walton death quick facts:
  • When did Dorothy Walton die?

    October 17, 1981
  • How old was Dorothy Walton when died?

  • Where did Dorothy Walton die? What was the location of death?

    Toronto, Canada

Dorothy Walton Birthday and Date of Death

Dorothy Walton was born on August 7, 1909 and died on October 17, 1981. Dorothy was 72 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 7, 1909
Date of Death: October 17, 1981
Age at Death: 72

Dorothy Walton - Biography

Dorothy Louise Walton, CM, née McKenzie (7 August 1909 – 17 October 1981) was a Canadian badminton player who is the only Canadian ever to win the All England Open Badminton Championships, winning the Women Singles in 1939.