Edmond Wilhelm Brillant


Is Edmond Wilhelm Brillant Dead or Still Alive? Edmond Wilhelm Brillant Birthday and Date of Death

Edmond Wilhelm Brillant

Edmond Wilhelm Brillant Death

Edmond passed away in 2004 at the age of 88.

Edmond Wilhelm Brillant death quick facts:
  • When did Edmond Wilhelm Brillant die?

  • How old was Edmond Wilhelm Brillant when died?


Edmond Wilhelm Brillant Birthday and Date of Death

Edmond Wilhelm Brillant was born in 1916 and died in 2004. Edmond was 88 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1916
Date of Death: 2004
Age at Death: 88

Edmond Wilhelm Brillant - Biography

Edmond Wilhelm Brillant the Levi (1916–2004) was a Polish-born Israeli naval architect, Hagana member, among the founding fathers of the Israeli navy and was notable for assisting the Israeli Merchant Marine in several major projects, including the nations' first passenger liner, the SS Shalom through the ZIM Navigation company, now Zim Integrated Shipping Services. He dedicated his greatest efforts to building up the young states' maritime capability, both civil and military. Brillant was born in Jaroslaw Galicia, Poland, and was the youngest of the four sons of the famous pharmacist Wiktor Brillant and his wife Laura Brillant (née Sturmlauf).