Edyr de Castro


Is Edyr de Castro Dead or Still Alive? Edyr de Castro Birthday and Date of Death

Edyr de Castro

Edyr de Castro Death

Edyr passed away on January 15, 2019 at the age of 72 in Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Edyr de Castro death quick facts:
  • When did Edyr de Castro die?

    January 15, 2019
  • How old was Edyr de Castro when died?

  • Where did Edyr de Castro die? What was the location of death?

    Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Edyr de Castro Birthday and Date of Death

Edyr de Castro was born on September 2, 1946 and died on January 15, 2019. Edyr was 72 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: September 2, 1946
Date of Death: January 15, 2019
Age at Death: 72

Edyr de Castro - Biography

Edyr de Castro (born 2 September 1946) is a Brazilian actress and singer. She initially signed her original name, but later took on the artistic name Edyr Duqui. She was one of the members of the vocal group As Frenéticas, and was also member of the group Mucamas do Painho, derived from her participation in the program Chico Anysio Show.
Edyr also used Edyr Duque as a stage name and began her career in theater, in the setting of the controversial musical Hair in 1969. Later, she was called by Nelson Motta to participate in the group As Frenéticas, along with Sandr.

She was married to singer and composer Zé Rodrix. Zé Rodrix was a Brazilian composer, instrumentalist, and singer. He was well known in his native country for performing with musical ensembles Sá, Rodrix & Guarabyra, Som Imaginário and Momento Quatro.
Not appearing on TV since 2009, when she played a role in Record's Parallel Power, she has been battling Alzheimer's since 2011 and has had multiple organ failure.