Emily Post Death
Emily passed away on September 25, 1960 at the age of 87.
Emily Post death quick facts:
When did Emily Post die?
September 25, 1960How old was Emily Post when died?
Emily Post Birthday and Date of Death
Emily Post was born on October 27, 1872 and died on September 25, 1960. Emily was 87 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: October 27, 1872
Date of Death: September 25, 1960
Age at Death: 87
Is Emily Post's father, Bruce Price, dead or alive?
Bruce Price's information is not available now.
Is Emily Post's mother, Josephine Lee, dead or alive?
Josephine Lee's information is not available now.
Emily Post - Biography
Emily Post was an American author famous for writing about etiquette.