Enrico Berlinguer Death
Enrico passed away on June 11, 1984 at the age of 62 in Padua, Italy. Enrico's cause of death was cerebral hemorrhage.
Enrico Berlinguer death quick facts:
When did Enrico Berlinguer die?
June 11, 1984How did Enrico Berlinguer die? What was the cause of death?
Cerebral hemorrhageHow old was Enrico Berlinguer when died?
62Where did Enrico Berlinguer die? What was the location of death?
Padua, Italy
Enrico Berlinguer Birthday and Date of Death
Enrico Berlinguer was born on May 25, 1922 and died on June 11, 1984. Enrico was 62 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: May 25, 1922
Date of Death: June 11, 1984
Age at Death: 62
Is Enrico Berlinguer's mother, Mario Berlinguer, dead or alive?
Mario Berlinguer's information is not available now.
Enrico Berlinguer's brother :
Enrico Berlinguer's brother, Giovanni Berlinguer, died on April 6, 2015 as he was 90 years old.
Enrico Berlinguer - Biography
Enrico Berlinguer ( listen ; 15 May 1922 – 11 June 1984) was an Italian politician; he was national secretary of the Italian Communist Party (Partito Comunista Italiano or PCI) from 1972 until his death.