Esma Redžepova Death
Esma passed away on December 11, 2016 at the age of 73 in Skopje, Makedonija (Macedonia).
Esma Redžepova death quick facts:
When did Esma Redžepova die?
December 11, 2016How old was Esma Redžepova when died?
73Where did Esma Redžepova die? What was the location of death?
Skopje, Makedonija (Macedonia)
Esma Redžepova Birthday and Date of Death
Esma Redžepova was born on August 8, 1943 and died on December 11, 2016. Esma was 73 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: August 8, 1943
Date of Death: December 11, 2016
Age at Death: 73
Esma Redžepova - Biography
Esma Redžepova-Teodosievska (Macedonian: Есма Реџепова-Теодосиевска ) (born 8 August 1943) is a Yugoslav and later Macedonian vocalist, songwriter, and humanitarian of Romani ethnicity. Because of her prolific repertoire, which includes hundreds of songs, and because of her contribution to Roma culture and its promotion, she is nicknamed Queen of the Gypsies.