Evgenia Medvedeva


Is Evgenia Medvedeva Dead or Still Alive? Evgenia Medvedeva Birthday and Age

Evgenia Medvedeva

How Old Is Evgenia Medvedeva? Evgenia Medvedeva Birthday

Evgenia Medvedeva was born on November 19, 1999 and is 24 years old now.

Birthday: November 19, 1999
How Old - Age: 24

Evgenia Medvedeva Death Fact Check

Evgenia is alive and kicking and is currently 24 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Evgenia Medvedeva - Biography

Evgenia Armanovna Medvedeva (Russian: Евгения Армановна Медведева; born 19 November 1999) is a Russian figure skater. She is the 2015 World Junior champion and the 2014–15 Junior Grand Prix Final champion. She is also the senior 2015 Russian national bronze medalist and 2015 Russian junior champion. She is the junior-level ladies' record holder for the highest short program score.