Faika of Egypt


Is Faika of Egypt Dead or Still Alive? Faika of Egypt Birthday and Date of Death

Faika of Egypt

Faika of Egypt Death

Faika passed away on January 7, 1983 at the age of 56 in Cairo, Egypt.

Faika of Egypt death quick facts:
  • When did Faika of Egypt die?

    January 7, 1983
  • How old was Faika of Egypt when died?

  • Where did Faika of Egypt die? What was the location of death?

    Cairo, Egypt

Faika of Egypt Birthday and Date of Death

Faika of Egypt was born on June 8, 1926 and died on January 7, 1983. Faika was 56 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 8, 1926
Date of Death: January 7, 1983
Age at Death: 56

Faika of Egypt - Biography

Faika Fouad Sadek (Persian: شاهدخت فائقة ‎‎, Arabic: الأميرة فائقة بنت فؤاد الأول‎) (or Princess Faika (8 June 1926 - 7 January 1983) was an Egyptian royal and a member of the Mohammad Ali Dynasty.
Faika Sadek was born at the Ras al Tin Palace, Alexandria, on 8 June 1926. She was one of the daughters of King Fuad and Nazli Sabri and the sister of King Farouk, Princess Fawzia, Princess Faiza and Princess Fathia. Her maternal great-grandfather was Major-General Muhammad Sharif Pasha, prime minister and minister of foreign affairs, who was of Turkish origin.

Faika married Fouad Sadek, a commoner Egyptian and a consular officer, in a civil ceremony on 5 April 1950 in San Francisco. At first, King Farouk did not endorse the marriage, but later he confirmed it. Then they married in a religious ceremony at the Kubba Palace in Cairo on 4 June 1950. Faika's husband was given the title of "bey" after the marriage. The couple lived in the Dokki Palace on the Nile and Fouad Sadek began to work at the foreign ministry of Egypt. They had four children, two daughters and two sons.
Faika died in Cairo on 7 January 1983 at the age of 56 following a long illness.