Frances Gifford


Is Frances Gifford Dead or Still Alive? Frances Gifford Birthday and Date of Death

Frances Gifford

Frances Gifford Death

Mary passed away on January 15, 1994 at the age of 74 in Pasadena, California, USA. Mary's cause of death was emphysema.

Frances Gifford death quick facts:
  • When did Frances Gifford die?

    January 15, 1994
  • How did Frances Gifford die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Frances Gifford when died?

  • Where did Frances Gifford die? What was the location of death?

    Pasadena, California, USA

Frances Gifford Birthday and Date of Death

Frances Gifford was born on December 7, 1919 and died on January 15, 1994. Mary was 74 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 7, 1919
Date of Death: January 15, 1994
Age at Death: 74

Frances Gifford's brother :

  • Frances Gifford's brother, Frank Gifford, died on August 9, 2015 as he was 84 years old. His cause of death was natural causes.

Frances Gifford - Biography

Biography by Hal Erickson [-]Fresh out of high school, statuesque brunette actress Frances Gifford played bits and extra roles until landing the lead in the low-budget Mercy Plane (1939), in which she was cast opposite her first husband James Dunn. Two years later she was seen as Robert Benchley's guide through the Disney animation studios in The Reluctant Dragon (1941), and, more importantly, as the fetchingly unclad, endlessly resourceful Nyoka in the Republic serial Jungle Girl (1941). The popularity of the serial might have typecast her forever in such roles, but Gifford's ambition was to star in features. Through the sponsorship of an MGM executive, she landed a contract at that most prestigious of studios, playing leading roles in such films as Our Vines Have Tender Gr*pes (1945) and She Went to the Races (1945). Her best showing at MGM was as the tormented heroine of Arch Oboler's The Arnelo Affair (1947). On the verge of bigger things, Gifford suffered a series of profound personal setbacks in the late '40s, not least of which was an automobile accident that nearly killed her. She made a few comeback attempts in the 1950s, but spent most of the decade in and out of mental institutions. After nearly 25 years of treatment, Frances Gifford was finally able to start her life over in 1983, devoting the rest of her days to charitable work.