Frank Gifford


Is Frank Gifford Dead or Still Alive? Frank Gifford Birthday and Date of Death

Frank Gifford

Frank Gifford Death

Frank passed away on August 9, 2015 at the age of 84 in Greenwich, Connecticut U.S.A.. Frank's cause of death was natural causes.

Frank Gifford death quick facts:
  • When did Frank Gifford die?

    August 9, 2015
  • How did Frank Gifford die? What was the cause of death?

    Natural causes
  • How old was Frank Gifford when died?

  • Where did Frank Gifford die? What was the location of death?

    Greenwich, Connecticut U.S.A.

Frank Gifford Birthday and Date of Death

Frank Gifford was born on August 16, 1930 and died on August 9, 2015. Frank was 84 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 16, 1930
Date of Death: August 9, 2015
Age at Death: 84

Frank Gifford's sister :

  • Frank Gifford's sister, Frances Gifford, died on January 15, 1994 as he was 74 years old. His cause of death was emphysema.

Frank Gifford - Biography

Frank GiffordActive - 1953 - 2015 | Born - Aug 16, 1930 in Santa Monica, California, United States | Died - Aug 9, 2015 in Greenwich, CT | Genres - Sports & Recreation [nf], Comedy, Action, Drama, RomanceBiography by Nathan SouthernAs one who holds equal weight for his professional football career with the New York Giants, his lengthy tenure as one of America's most respected sports broadcasters, and his early-'80s run as the anchor of Good Morning America, the genial Frank Gifford elevated the term Renaissance man to a new sphere. Particularly for one whose primary claims to fame lie outside of the theatrical realm, Gifford sported a surprisingly healthy cinematic resumé, with the preponderance of his onscreen roles tied to his football activity -- as in the 1968 Paper Lion, the 1973 Disney farce The World's Greatest Athlete, and Cameron Crowe's 1996 sports drama Jerry Maguire. He netted cinematic recognition in 2006 when he participated (alongside Gay Talese and others) in Kristi Jacobson's acclaimed documentary Toots, about the life of one of New York's most famous "inside" celebrities: the bartender Toots Shor. Gifford died in 2015, just days before his 85th birthday.