Francois Duvalier


Is Francois Duvalier Dead or Still Alive? Francois Duvalier Birthday and Date of Death

Francois Duvalier

Francois Duvalier Death

Francois passed away on April 21, 1971 at the age of 64.

Francois Duvalier death quick facts:
  • When did Francois Duvalier die?

    April 21, 1971
  • How old was Francois Duvalier when died?


Francois Duvalier Birthday and Date of Death

Francois Duvalier was born on April 14, 1907 and died on April 21, 1971. Francois was 64 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 14, 1907
Date of Death: April 21, 1971
Age at Death: 64

Francois Duvalier - Biography

François Duvalier (14 April 1907 – 21 April 1971), also known as PapaDoc, was the President of Haiti from 1957 to 1971. He was elected president in 1957 on a populist and black nationalist platform and successfully thwarted a coupd’état in 1958. His rule, based on a purged military, a rural militia known as the Tonton Macoute, and the use of cult of personality, resulted in the murder of 30,000 to 60,000 Haitians and the exile of many more.