Gary Graver


Is Gary Graver Dead or Still Alive? Gary Graver Birthday and Date of Death

Gary Graver

Gary Graver Death

Gary passed away on November 16, 2006 at the age of 68 in Rancho Mirage, California. Gary's cause of death was cancer.

Gary Graver death quick facts:
  • When did Gary Graver die?

    November 16, 2006
  • How did Gary Graver die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Gary Graver when died?

  • Where did Gary Graver die? What was the location of death?

    Rancho Mirage, California

Gary Graver Birthday and Date of Death

Gary Graver was born on July 20, 1938 and died on November 16, 2006. Gary was 68 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 20, 1938
Date of Death: November 16, 2006
Age at Death: 68

Gary Graver - Biography

Gary Graver (July 20, 1938 – November 16, 2006) was an American film director and cinematographer. He was a prolific film-maker but is perhaps best known as Orson Welles' final cinematographer. Under the pseudonym of Robert McCallum he also directed adult films. Graver was born and raised in Portland, Oregon. In high school, he produced and starred in his own radio show, and had built a movie theatre in his parents' basement where he showed his own films.