Geoffrey Fieger


Is Geoffrey Fieger Dead or Still Alive? Geoffrey Fieger Birthday and Age

Geoffrey Fieger

How Old Is Geoffrey Fieger? Geoffrey Fieger Birthday

Geoffrey Fieger was born on December 23, 1950 and is 73 years old now.

Birthday: December 23, 1950
How Old - Age: 73

Geoffrey Fieger Death Fact Check

Geoffrey is alive and kicking and is currently 73 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Geoffrey Fieger - Biography

Geoffrey Nels Fieger (born December 23, 1950) is an American attorney based in Southfield, Michigan. Fieger is the senior partner at the law firm of Fieger, Fieger, Kenney, Johnson & Giroux P.C., and is an occasional legal commentator for NBC and MSNBC. His practice focuses on criminal defense, litigation and medical malpractice cases.