George Thomas


Is George Thomas Dead or Still Alive? George Thomas Birthday and Age

George Thomas

How Old Is George Thomas? George Thomas Birthday

George Thomas was born on November 29, 1937 and is 87 years old now.

Birthday: November 29, 1937
How Old - Age: 87

George Thomas Death Fact Check

George is alive and kicking and is currently 87 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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George Thomas - Biography

George Edward Thomas, Jr. (born November 29, 1937) is a retired American professional baseball player. Primarily an outfielder, he played at least one game at every position except pitcher during a 13-year career in Major League Baseball for the Detroit Tigers (1957–58; 1961; 1963–65), Los Angeles Angels (1961–63), Boston Red Sox (1966–71) and Minnesota Twins (1971). He also was an assistant coach (1972–78) and head baseball coach (1979–81) at the University of Minnesota after his active career ended. The native of Minneapolis threw and batted right-handed, stood 6 feet 3 inches (1.91 m) tall and weighed 190 pounds (86 kg).