Giovanni Spadolini


Is Giovanni Spadolini Dead or Still Alive? Giovanni Spadolini Birthday and Date of Death

Giovanni Spadolini

Giovanni Spadolini Death

Giovanni passed away on August 4, 1994 at the age of 69 in Rome, Italy. Giovanni's cause of death was cancer.

Giovanni Spadolini death quick facts:
  • When did Giovanni Spadolini die?

    August 4, 1994
  • How did Giovanni Spadolini die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Giovanni Spadolini when died?

  • Where did Giovanni Spadolini die? What was the location of death?

    Rome, Italy

Giovanni Spadolini Birthday and Date of Death

Giovanni Spadolini was born on June 21, 1925 and died on August 4, 1994. Giovanni was 69 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 21, 1925
Date of Death: August 4, 1994
Age at Death: 69

Is Giovanni Spadolini's father, Guido Spadolini, dead or alive?

Guido Spadolini's information is not available now.

Giovanni Spadolini - Biography

Giovanni Spadolini (21 June 1925 – 4 August 1994) was a Republican Italian politician, the 44th Prime Minister of Italy, newspaper editor, journalist and a noted historian.