Gloria Saunders


Is Gloria Saunders Dead or Still Alive? Gloria Saunders Birthday and Date of Death

Gloria Saunders

Gloria Saunders Death

Gloria passed away on June 4, 1980 at the age of 52 in Bakersfield, California, USA.

Gloria Saunders death quick facts:
  • When did Gloria Saunders die?

    June 4, 1980
  • How old was Gloria Saunders when died?

  • Where did Gloria Saunders die? What was the location of death?

    Bakersfield, California, USA

Gloria Saunders Birthday and Date of Death

Gloria Saunders was born on September 29, 1927 and died on June 4, 1980. Gloria was 52 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: September 29, 1927
Date of Death: June 4, 1980
Age at Death: 52

Gloria Saunders - Biography

Gloria Ella Saunders (September 29, 1927 - June 4, 1980) was an American actress of film and television, primarily from the late 1940s to 1960.
Her first important role was as Sparky, an operator in the Women's Army Corps of World War II in the 1946 film O.S.S., with Alan Ladd. In 1951, she played Terry Flynn in the film Crazy Over Horses. That same year, she was cast as Anne DuMere in the film, Northwest Territory, starring Kirby Grant. In 1952, Saunders was cast as Catherine in the science fiction film, Captive Women.

In 1956, Saunders was cast as Christina in "The Voyage of Captain Castle" of the NBC western anthology series Frontier. That same year, she was cast as Gloria DiNeen in "What Price Gloria," of the syndicated State Trooper, starring Rod Cameron. In 1955 and 1957, she appeared in two episodes, "The Silk Stocking Case" and "The Ambitious Peddler Case", respectively, of the CBS police drama. The Lineup, starring Warner Anderson and Tom Tully. In 1957, she played Grace Patton in the episode "Angel of Loudoun" of the American Civil War series, The Gray Ghost, starring Tod Andrews as the Confederate Major John Singleton Mosby. That same year she played Virginia Malcolm in "The Torch Carriers" of David Janssen's Richard Diamond, Private Detective series, first broadcast on CBS.
Saunders first married the television director Arthur Rue "Tommy" Thompson (1927-2000), who was two months her junior. Saunders said that she likely would not have gone into television acting had it not been for her accident, and she would not have met Thompson had she not gone into television. The couple divorced in 1956, with a two-year-old child. She subsequently married a man named "Maier".