Gordon Rollings


Is Gordon Rollings Dead or Still Alive? Gordon Rollings Birthday and Date of Death

Gordon Rollings

Gordon Rollings Death

Gordon passed away on June 7, 1985 at the age of 59.

Gordon Rollings death quick facts:
  • When did Gordon Rollings die?

    June 7, 1985
  • How old was Gordon Rollings when died?


Gordon Rollings Birthday and Date of Death

Gordon Rollings was born on April 17, 1926 and died on June 7, 1985. Gordon was 59 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 17, 1926
Date of Death: June 7, 1985
Age at Death: 59

Gordon Rollings - Biography

Gordon Charles Rollings (17 April 1926 – 7 June 1985) was an English actor who mainly appeared on television, but also appeared on-stage and in feature films. He was born in Batley, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, England and started his career in radio in Israel. He later trained as a clown in Paris, appearing in the Medrano Circus.