Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia Death
Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia passed away on February 26, 1933 at the age of 66 in Roquebrune, France.
Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia death quick facts:
When did Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia die?
February 26, 1933How old was Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia when died?
66Where did Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia die? What was the location of death?
Roquebrune, France
Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia Birthday and Date of Death
Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia was born on April 13, 1866 and died on February 26, 1933. Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia was 66 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: April 13, 1866
Date of Death: February 26, 1933
Age at Death: 66
Is Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia's father, Grand Duke Michael Nicolaievich of Russia, dead or alive?
Grand Duke Michael Nicolaievich of Russia's information is not available now.
Is Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia's mother, Princess Cecily of Baden, dead or alive?
Princess Cecily of Baden's information is not available now.
Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia - Biography
Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia was a dynast of the Russian Empire, a naval officer, an author, explorer, the brother-in-law of Emperor Nicholas II and advisor to him.